06TH MAY 2021

What Is The Godfather Strategy And Why Is It So Popular In Marketing


The Godfather Strategy. No, I’m not referring to the mafia strategy of taking out your enemies but the strategy of “I’m going to make you an offer you can’t refuse”. Many companies use the Godfather strategy in marketing but don't know it. Have you ever wondered why The Godfather Strategy is so popular in Marketing? Let’s know more about it.


The Godfather Strategy is a marketing strategy that has been used over the years by many companies and was described by Albert Einstein, Donald Trump, and William Tell. During a scene of The Godfather, They say that the first child to walk out of a hotel room will always be kidnapped. In the film The Godfather, (1972) many characters threaten each other with violence but at the end of the movie, the main character, Don Corleone, came back to that hotel room and was taken by surprise by everyone at that time and returned to his house. He came back thinking that he had been to the same place where he had previously met with mobster Vincent Mancini, and the mafia’s second in command.

What is the Godfather Strategy

Using the Godfather strategy, you pose a proposal that makes people accept the terms that you want. It can also be referred to as the I'm offering you an unbelievable deal! Or better yet – you can’t even refuse strategy. Use these three steps to implement the Godfather strategy in your marketing: Pre-Approval Strategy. You will need to spend time working up a business proposal before presenting it to your target audience. This strategy will allow you to build up your excitement for the project and convey a great enthusiasm for your ideas. It will also show the clients that you value their ideas and are prepared to listen to their feedback. First Draft Strategy.

Why is the Godfather Strategy so popular?

The Godfather Strategy is the best strategy in marketing because It is effective. It works. You can play with your consumer's emotions. It can help in building a brand. If you’ve never heard the Godfather Strategy before, you probably know something about it but you don’t know how to do it effectively. If you don’t know how to use it effectively, you should spend some time reading and studying about it. What Is The Godfather Strategy? The Godfather Strategy is when you convince your consumers that they have no choice but to do what you want. For instance, if you are selling a vacuum cleaner, you might say to your consumers: “If you buy this, I’ll give you a piece of gum”. The vacuum cleaner is not perfect and it might not perform well.

How to use the Godfather Strategy for Marketing

The Godfather Strategy is often referred to as the Earned Media Marketing strategy and is used by many advertising agencies, companies, small business owners, and even big businesses. It works by creating a situation where the client or advertiser has to decide if he is going to accept the offer or not. One of the best uses of the Godfather Strategy is if you are a new business. Imagine that the first marketing campaign you are running is not working and you have to decide to either keep it or cancel it? Well, in most cases, this would result in the client not cancelling the campaign but accepting the offer to receive more money for less work. So why do they say that an advert isn't working? Well, a lot of the time this can be due to the ad's power.


I hope you’ve learned a lot about Marketing from this post and used it in your work. Share it with your friends. The famous actor and director, Francis Ford Coppola, after watching a movie scene said, “I’m going to direct my next film and I want you to be in it”. The director, Robert Evans, who was the producer of “The Godfather” movie, didn’t know what to expect but accepted his proposal. Coppola said, “I want you to be in my next movie but you can’t ask me for more money”. Evans still didn’t know what Coppola was talking about. He asked, “what do you mean by that”. Coppola said, “I want you to do it for less money so that I can tell you you can’t do anything better”. Evans accepted his idea and became an Associate Producer on “The Godfather” movie. Coppola was right.

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